
Mujer de 51 años dará a luz a su nieto (+Fotos)

Julie Loving decidió apoyar el sueño de su hija /

No cabe duda que el amor de madre es único e incondicional, prueba de ello, es el caso de Julie Loving, quien con tal de ver feliz a su hija no dudó en prestarle su vientre para que también pudiera convertirse en mamá.

La historia que fue compartida en redes sociales se ha popularizado generando comentarios de solidaridad y buenos deseos.

Todo comenzó cuando Breanna Lockwood y su esposo Aaron intentaron por todos los medios tener un bebé, sin embargo, la pareja tuvo infinidad de problemas para concebir de manera natural, de ahí, que se sometieron a varios tratamientos de fertilidad pero no lograron su cometido.

De tal modo que después de 476 inyecciones, ocho transferencias de embriones congelados, dos abortos espontáneos y un embarazo ectópico, finalizaron desconsolados, pero no contaban con que la madre de Beannna saldría al rescate y demostrando el amor que tiene por su hija les ofreció préstales su vientre.




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? A lot of new followers here! ? Quick recap! ? ? My name is Breanna and my husband here is Aaron! In the middle is my sweet mama who’s ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????! ? ? We are over the moon excited, but it took a long hard road to get here. After many many years of infertility and loss, we had our doctor come to us and say that ultimately my uterus was incapable of growing a child. ? ? On our path to become parents, I had a few miscarriages, and one that required a D&C (procedure to remove pregnancy) and I developed a condition called Ashermans Syndrome. Ashermans Syndrome is where bands of scar tissue form inside your uterus. Most commonly from a D&C procedure. Google will tell you it’s rare, but that’s not true. It mostly goes undiagnosed. I had no idea this could happen prior to going in to the operating room that day, and I am still devastated by it. ? ? My mama came to me multiple times offering to carry for us. My response? I laughed. “you crazy!?” lol... I did not think that was even possible. My mom, Julie, is 51 years old and had already been through menopause! But she was persistent. One thing about my mom is when she sets her mind to something, she goes for it. She’s a hardcore athlete, who’s completed multiple Boston marathons and super into heath and fitness. She sets a goal and she goes for it. ? ? Since we already had been through IVF, and my husband and I had no issues creating embryos with my egg and his sperm. Half the work was done. Our embryos were frozen already waiting for us. Once our fertility doctor was on board, he prepared my moms body to carry, taking her out of menopause through hormone therapy, and the rest fell into place. ? ? Julie is 36 weeks with our baby girl! Her first grandchild! This has been the wildest ride of our lives. We are so grateful for my mom and that we were given this opportunity ... I don’t think there’s ever been a morning I don’t wake up and pinch myself. ? ? Thanks for joining us on this adventure! We love hearing how far this story has reached, comment below where you’re from ♥? ? ????: @oatsandhoneyphotography

Una publicación compartida de Breanna Lockwood (@ivf.surrogacy.diary) el19 Oct, 2020 a las 8:40 PDT

La mujer de 51 años propuso a gestar al bebé por lo que iniciaron los trámites y el procedimiento, logrando quedar embarazada, lo que ha provocado la felicidad de la pareja, quienes no terminan de agradecer lo que Loving esta haciendo por ellos. Una verdadera muestra de amor.

De hecho, en un medio local la mujer comentó que al ver la frustración y el sufrimiento de su hija, llegó el momento en que decidió que haría cualquier cosa para ayudarla y ahora está a punto de dar a luz a su nieto.




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? A lot of new followers here! ? Quick recap! ? ? My name is Breanna and my husband here is Aaron! In the middle is my sweet mama who’s ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????! ? ? We are over the moon excited, but it took a long hard road to get here. After many many years of infertility and loss, we had our doctor come to us and say that ultimately my uterus was incapable of growing a child. ? ? On our path to become parents, I had a few miscarriages, and one that required a D&C (procedure to remove pregnancy) and I developed a condition called Ashermans Syndrome. Ashermans Syndrome is where bands of scar tissue form inside your uterus. Most commonly from a D&C procedure. Google will tell you it’s rare, but that’s not true. It mostly goes undiagnosed. I had no idea this could happen prior to going in to the operating room that day, and I am still devastated by it. ? ? My mama came to me multiple times offering to carry for us. My response? I laughed. “you crazy!?” lol... I did not think that was even possible. My mom, Julie, is 51 years old and had already been through menopause! But she was persistent. One thing about my mom is when she sets her mind to something, she goes for it. She’s a hardcore athlete, who’s completed multiple Boston marathons and super into heath and fitness. She sets a goal and she goes for it. ? ? Since we already had been through IVF, and my husband and I had no issues creating embryos with my egg and his sperm. Half the work was done. Our embryos were frozen already waiting for us. Once our fertility doctor was on board, he prepared my moms body to carry, taking her out of menopause through hormone therapy, and the rest fell into place. ? ? Julie is 36 weeks with our baby girl! Her first grandchild! This has been the wildest ride of our lives. We are so grateful for my mom and that we were given this opportunity ... I don’t think there’s ever been a morning I don’t wake up and pinch myself. ? ? Thanks for joining us on this adventure! We love hearing how far this story has reached, comment below where you’re from ♥? ? ????: @oatsandhoneyphotography

Una publicación compartida de Breanna Lockwood (@ivf.surrogacy.diary) el19 Oct, 2020 a las 8:40 PDT




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? A lot of new followers here! ? Quick recap! ? ? My name is Breanna and my husband here is Aaron! In the middle is my sweet mama who’s ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????! ? ? We are over the moon excited, but it took a long hard road to get here. After many many years of infertility and loss, we had our doctor come to us and say that ultimately my uterus was incapable of growing a child. ? ? On our path to become parents, I had a few miscarriages, and one that required a D&C (procedure to remove pregnancy) and I developed a condition called Ashermans Syndrome. Ashermans Syndrome is where bands of scar tissue form inside your uterus. Most commonly from a D&C procedure. Google will tell you it’s rare, but that’s not true. It mostly goes undiagnosed. I had no idea this could happen prior to going in to the operating room that day, and I am still devastated by it. ? ? My mama came to me multiple times offering to carry for us. My response? I laughed. “you crazy!?” lol... I did not think that was even possible. My mom, Julie, is 51 years old and had already been through menopause! But she was persistent. One thing about my mom is when she sets her mind to something, she goes for it. She’s a hardcore athlete, who’s completed multiple Boston marathons and super into heath and fitness. She sets a goal and she goes for it. ? ? Since we already had been through IVF, and my husband and I had no issues creating embryos with my egg and his sperm. Half the work was done. Our embryos were frozen already waiting for us. Once our fertility doctor was on board, he prepared my moms body to carry, taking her out of menopause through hormone therapy, and the rest fell into place. ? ? Julie is 36 weeks with our baby girl! Her first grandchild! This has been the wildest ride of our lives. We are so grateful for my mom and that we were given this opportunity ... I don’t think there’s ever been a morning I don’t wake up and pinch myself. ? ? Thanks for joining us on this adventure! We love hearing how far this story has reached, comment below where you’re from ♥? ? ????: @oatsandhoneyphotography

Una publicación compartida de Breanna Lockwood (@ivf.surrogacy.diary) el19 Oct, 2020 a las 8:40 PDT

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TEMAS RELACIONADOS: Subrrogado | embarazo | maternidad | Política | Veracruz |
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